Wednesday, November 27, 2019

6 Tips to Jump Back into the Workforce After Being Fired

6 Tips to Jump Back into the Workforce After Being Fired6 Tips to Jump Back into the Workforce After Being FiredGetting fired can be an emotional, challenging experience. But it also can be a chance to find an exciting new opportunity, perhaps one that provides a better match between your skills and an employers needs. Rather than letting the exit define you, consider it a bump on your career path and move on with these six strategies for jumping into the workforce after being fired.Here are six tips to get yourself employed after being fired 1. Get emotions in check.Angry, sad, confused, scared, even relieved- people feel a variety of emotions after termination. Take some time to adjust to the situation. You need a clear head and a positive attitude before tackling a job search.Seek support from trusted friends and family, but avoid lashing out publically or on social media. Potential new employers do bedrngnis find bitterness attractive. 2. Evaluate your options.Avoid the temptatio n to apply for anything and everything simply to ease the sting of being fired. Youll waste valuable time if your qualifications dont match the position, and hiring managers will be put off by your neediness.Instead, truly plan your next move. Might this be a good time to go back to school or switch careers? Perhaps the position you lost wasnt a good fit for your personality and talents, which may have led to self-sabotaging behavior such as chronic lateness or subpar work.Whether in your current field or a different one, think about what would really make you passionate to go to work each day. 3. Use your network.When you have a good handle on what kind of job you want, seek assistance from others.Contact people individually in your existing network who you think might have good advice and/or be able to help you, and let them know that you are looking and would like to talk briefly and get their input, says Marcelle Yeager, president ofCareer Valet.Work, too, on expanding your conn ections. If youre not involved in Meetup or other activity-based interest groups already, get involved. Also attend alumni and association events, as well as other formal professional networking events, Yeager says. 4. Put your best self forward.Rather than assigning blame or offering long explanations as to why you were fired, devote your cover letter and resume to convincing employers why youre the correct person for the position.Tailor material to match the qualifications outlined in the job description. Quantify accomplishments, tell engaging stories, and use positive statements from any past performance reviews whenever possible. Create an equally impressive LinkedIn profile that includes a professional photo, industry keywords that attract recruiters, and perhaps a few endorsements from clients or coworkers. 5. Use your time wisely.Worried about an employment gap decreasing your odds of getting hired? Consider freelancing while you job hunt. Youll earn some income, accumulate references from satisfied customers, and demonstrate that youre a go-getter.Likewise, consider volunteer work as a way of forging new connections and developing skills that may increase marketability. 6. Be prepared.Finally, do mora than just hope that the issue of being fired doesnt come up. Be ready to address the matter in interviews. Know what your former employer and any references you list will say about you if contacted. Practice formulating answers about why you left your last job, perhaps talking about it in terms of downsizing, restructuring, or managerial changes, if applicable.You may even choose to talk about what the experience taught you. Then, get back to highlighting what you can do in the present rather than dwelling on the past.Readers, how do you get yourself back into the workforce after being fired? What tips would you offer to others out of work? Share with us below

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